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Formal training


Rose Bruford

Acting Two Years / 2018-2021

The Emotional Body: Emotional Fluency for Actors

Rose Bruford 2021 / With Laura Bond, Jessica Beck and Lavinia Plonka.

The British Action Academy

Warrior Training Screen Combat Phase 1 and 2 / 2019

The British Action Academy

Gunrush - Firearms for Film / 2019


Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA)

Close Encounters - Combat for Stage and Screen

Character and Emotion Rasaboxes & Michael Chekhov Technique

Rose Bruford


Creative Drama

Birmingham School of Acting

Spotlites Youth Theatre



US Police Stance, Quick Draw, Hand Gun, Uzi, Military Rifle, multi-weapon combat

Medieval Weaponry

Long-sword, Sword and Shield, Spear, Spear and Shield, Rapier (Cutlass), mass battle formations and attack, archery

Close Combat

Hand-to-hand, knife work, brawl (singular and multi-person)

Death and dying

From stabbing and gunshots

Skills and Talents


Writer / Director / Creative Producer


Fine Art / Illustration / Cartoonist

Tarot Reader / Fortune Teller

Voice Artist


Horse Riding

Javelin, Kayaking, Krav Maga (P1), Scuba Diving, Singing, Vlogging

(Scroll for more)

Extra skills

Writing, Workshops and intensives

Masterclass in Screen Acting with Jamie Donoghue

Take One Stage and Screen Academy

Writing with Duncan Macmillan

The Monobox

Playwriting: Working Class Voices

Paul Bradshaw - Funded by Arts Council England - 6 Weeks

Manuel Puro 21 Day Selftape Challeng

Online via Manuel Puro 

American Accent Intensive

Rebecca Gausnell

Casting Directors and


5 Day Courses in Acting and Seltapes

Faye Timby, Sophie Pearson, Orla O'connor, Shakyra Dowling, Leo Wolfe, Claire Harlow, Kate Bone, Ben Cogan, Lucy Amos, Jenna Bamberger, Zyrenka Cox, Marin Hope, Nikki Meadows and Finnian Tweed.

Casting 1:1's

Ben Cogan, Emma Crompton, Seth Mason

Casting in the room

Stevee Davies, Mike Cater, Leah Lawry-Johns, Emma Sylvester

Casting online

Olissa Rogers, Rick Laxton, Mike Carter, Tom Payne


Coffee Morning with Naomi Ackie

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